A scary ghost!

You open the closet and find a scary ghost!!! The scary ghost says “oooooooooooooh!”

You say “You are EEEEVIL!”

Then the ghost says “ooooooooooooohnooooooooooooooo!”

You say “I am sure that you are eeeeeeeevilllllll

The ghost says “ooooooooooooooohnooooooooooooo!”

You say “Are you talking like ‘No, I’m not evil,’ or are you talking like ‘I want to play Uno’?”

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuunoooooooooooooo” said the ghost.

You say “Huh, well, this is a closet, we can probably find Uno somewhere”

So, you and the ghost look for Uno for five hours and six minutes and finally find it! Then, you play Uno for the rest of the night. The ghost is very good; You get beaten five times. You are very good; The ghost gets beaten six times.

The End